Dental Treatments and Costs in Turkey FAQ

Dental Treatments and Cost in Turkey FAQ

Xirtiz Luxury Health Turizm - Dental Treatments and Cost in Turkey FAQ

As Xirtiz Luxury Health Tourism, the most frequently asked questions by our valued guests about dental treatments in Turkey.

Implant procedure can be performed on any individual without underlying health issues and whose bone development is finished. In fact, patients with heart issues, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other health concerns can receive implant treatment as long as they are under a dentist's supervision and their conditions are managed.

Implant dental treatment is not as painful as commonly thought. As this treatment involves surgery, local anesthesia is administered prior to the procedure. Hence, the patient experiences no pain, burning, or aching throughout the procedure. Nevertheless, like all surgeries, there is a chance of experiencing pain following the completion of the procedure. The pain that is only temporary can be managed with pain medication prescribed by the dentist. It is important to point out that the pain is typically very slight, with the result that the majority of patients do not require medication. Pain does not have a detrimental impact on our daily activities and we do not have to stop our work routine.

The crowns cover all the teeth, while veneers only cover the surface of the teeth. Another difference lies in the shaving process. For crowns, the teeth are shaved between 1 to 1.5 mm, and for veneers, they are shaved between 0.3 to 0.7 mm.

Brushing your teeth twice a day is generally not harmful and is actually recommended by dentists for maintaining good oral hygiene. It is recommended to brush your teeth at least in the morning and before sleeping.

Depending on the severity of the decay, you can save the tooth by doing a filling or root canal. In some cases, dentists may use a dental post to save the tooth. Otherwise, a tooth extraction may be necessary.

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It is essential to take care of your teeth after whitening to maintain their whiteness and avoid sensitivity. For at least 48 hours after the teeth whitening procedure, avoid staining foods and drinks such as coffee, tea, red wine, and others. It is important not to smoke, as tobacco can stain your teeth after whitening.

Tooth decay is very uncomfortable and can sometimes be painful. To protect your teeth from decay, you need to avoid sugary drinks and foods such as cake and chocolate. Brush your teeth twice a day. Drinking plenty of water will help eliminate acid in your mouth and thus avoid decay. It is recommended to consult a dentist at least twice a year.

You need to travel to Turkey for a period of 7 days to have a full smile makeover. If you plan to come on a weekend, it is recommended to arrive on a Sunday so that your treatment can start on Monday. Avoid buying your flight ticket for a Saturday, as most clinics don't work on Sundays. This will help you avoid losing a day.

For patients with high anxiety or phobias, sedation may be recommended before dental treatment and for long or complex procedures..

All on 4 dental implants can last for a very long time. Typically, they can last between 20 to 25 years, and often even longer with proper care and oral hygiene.

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First of all, All-on-4 or All-on-6 involves the extraction of all teeth in the upper and lower jaws and replacing them with 4 or 6 implants in each jaw, respectively. The main difference between the All-on-4 and All-on-6 systems is the number and position of the implants. In the All-on-4 system, two implants are placed in the front position and two in the back region of the mouth, and the back implants are angled. Typically, for the All-on-6 system, bone grafting, membranes, and sinus lifting are necessary.

Tooth sensitivity is a dental issue that involves discomfort or pain in the teeth when exposed to certain stimuli, such as hot, cold, sweet, or acidic foods and drinks, or even breathing in cold air. You may also feel tooth sensitivity if the teeth are overly exposed or after teeth whitening. To prevent tooth sensitivity, maintaining good oral hygiene is mandatory. In addition, avoid acidic foods and drinks, use a mouthguard if necessary, and have regular check-ups with your dentist.

Dental scaling is a professional cleaning of teeth to remove accumulated plaque and tartar, especially at the gumline. It is necessary to prevent gum disease and maintain good oral health.

Tobacco can cause gum disease, oral cancer, bad breath, tooth discoloration, and slow healing after dental procedures. Quitting smoking significantly improves oral health.

Halitosis is persistent bad breath. Treating it involves good oral hygiene, tongue cleaning, adequate hydration, and consulting a dentist to identify and address any underlying conditions.

Affordable prices for personalized, all-inclusive Treatment, Hotel and Travel in the field of Turkish Medical Tourism. The most recommended best doctors and hospitals.
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Dental amalgams are durable and resistant, used to fill cavities. However, their silver color is less aesthetic than composite materials, and they contain mercury, raising concerns for some patients.