Hair Transplantation and Costs in Turkey FAQ

Hair Transplant Treatments and Cost in Turkey FAQ

Xirtiz Luxury Health Turizm - Hair Transplant Treatments and Cost in Turkey FAQ

As Xirtiz Luxury Health Tourism, the most frequently asked questions by our valued guests about Hair Transplant treatments in Turkey.

Yes, a transplant is delayed until age 18 because the hormonal balance has not yet stabilized. It is also not done at age 70 because the follicles hardly establish themselves.

The procedure takes place with the use of local anesthesia in a relaxing environment where you are able to see and hear, and can also watch TV or listen to music, while the donor and recipient areas are numbed by medications.

No, transplanted hair actually grow back and don't fall out after the procedure, unlike the original hair (if the reason for the transplant was hair loss). However, like all hair, they go through different growth phases, including a resting phase that lasts around 2 months. During this time, the hair may fall out, but it will eventually regrow. It's just a natural part of the process.

Typically, you'll start seeing the first signs of growth about 2 to 4 months after the procedure. Around 7 months in, you'll see about 60% of the final result. It's not until the one-year mark that you'll see the full effects, with maximum and stable hair density.

Hair cannot be successfully transplanted from another individual because it will not grow in the recipient's scalp.

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In 95% of instances, hair is extracted from the rear of the head. This is the location where hair grows, similar in structure to the eyebrows and not prone to hair loss. They establish themselves firmly in the new location and keep expanding.

The hair transplantation procedure typically takes a few hours, meaning it can usually be completed in a single session. However, depending on the volume of hair being transplanted and the patient's condition, the procedure may take longer. It is recommended to stay in Turkey for at least three days.

Post-transplant care is crucial for achieving good results and proper healing. Therefore, it is important to follow your surgeon's instructions and protect the grafts. Avoid touching or scratching the transplanted area. Wash your hair with the recommended shampoo and lotion. Do not expose the area to the sun, and avoid consuming alcohol and smoking cigarettes.

There are two types of hair transplant techniques: Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).

Before the day of the hair transplant procedure, it's important to inform your surgeon about the medications you are taking. This allows the doctors to advise you on whether you should stop taking certain medications or consider alternatives. Specifically, stop taking blood-thinning medications, aspirin, NSAIDs, and herbal supplements that can increase bleeding risk. Additionally, reduce alcohol consumption a few days before the procedure.

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It is recommended not to touch the transplanted area to facilitate the healing process. After about a month, you can gently touch the hair.

Hair for eyebrow transplants is typically extracted from the back of the patient's scalp, as the hair in this area is usually similar in texture and growth characteristics to eyebrow hair. The follicles are carefully transplanted to ensure a natural look.

The recommended stay for hair transplantation in Turkey is usually around 2 to 3 days. This includes the day of the procedure, a follow-up appointment, and sufficient recovery time before traveling back home.

Post-transplant care involves gently washing the scalp as directed by the surgeon, avoiding direct sunlight, refraining from strenuous activities, and not scratching or touching the transplanted area. Follow all post-operative instructions provided by your surgeon to ensure optimal healing and results.

The main types of hair transplant techniques are Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). FUT involves removing a strip of scalp and dissecting it into individual grafts, while FUE involves extracting individual hair follicles directly from the scalp.

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Preparation for hair transplant surgery includes stopping smoking and avoiding alcohol consumption for a few weeks before the procedure, avoiding certain medications as advised by your surgeon, and arranging for transportation on the day of the surgery. Follow all pre-operative instructions provided by your clinic.