Why Should You Get Treatment in Turkey? - Xirtiz Luxury

Why Should You Get Treatment in Turkey?

In today's digital age, the first instinct when facing a health issue is often to search online for solutions before consulting specialists or acquaintances. Regardless of your location in the world, whether seeking dental treatments, hair implants, or plastic surgery, Turkey's name frequently emerges through internet searches, recommendations from friends, or endorsements by medical professionals. The underlying reason is straightforward: Turkey has established itself as an indispensable destination for medical treatments worldwide.

Why Choose Turkey for Medical Treatments?

To comprehend why Turkey has become exceedingly popular and the preferred country for international patients, let's delve into the history of Turkish medicine. The origins of medicine in Turkey date back thousands of years and are intricately linked to various cultures and civilizations that have shaped the region. Furthermore, modern Turkey is situated in a historically rich geographical area where several great civilizations thrived, including the Hittites, Greeks, Romans, and Byzantines. These civilizations significantly contributed to the evolution of medical knowledge and healing practices.

Additionally, between the 13th and 15th centuries, the madrasa of Kayseri (Caesarea) played a pioneering role by integrating medical education with the care of the sick, while the madrasa of Amasya produced the first surgical manuscript written in Turkish.

Islamic medicine played a pivotal role in advancing healthcare in Turkey. Influential figures like Ibn Sina (Avicenna) and Ibn al-Nafis had a profound impact on medicine in the Muslim world, and their works were extensively studied and applied in Anatolia, the ancient region of Turkey.

The Ottoman Empire also made significant contributions to the development of medicine in Turkey. The Ottomans established hospitals and medical schools, such as the Imperial Medical School of Istanbul founded in 1827, and were dedicated to medical research. Notable Ottoman physicians like Hekimbaşı Ahmet Paşa made significant contributions to the field of medicine.

Today, Turkey boasts a modern healthcare system with both public and private hospitals offering a comprehensive range of medical services. The country continues to attract a growing number of international patients seeking medical, dental, and aesthetic treatments due to its state-of-the-art facilities, highly qualified healthcare professionals, and competitive costs.

Regulation of the Medical Profession

In Turkey, the medical profession is regulated by law and is subject to strict standards to ensure the quality of healthcare provided to the population. To become a doctor in Turkey, individuals must first complete a medical training program recognized by the Ministry of Health, which includes obtaining a medical degree from an accredited medical university. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure the qualifications and expertise of the medical staff who will be treating you.

Additionally, the Turkish Medical Association (Türkiye Tabipler Birliği, TTB) plays a key role in regulating the Turkish medical sector. This professional organization safeguards the interests of doctors and upholds high ethical and professional standards within the medical community.

The Turkish Medical Association ensures that Turkish doctors adhere to a stringent medical code of ethics, which delineates the ethical principles and professional obligations they must uphold in their medical practice. This commitment to ethical standards contributes significantly to the professionalism and success of treatments provided by Turkish doctors. When seeking medical care at a hospital, clinic, or from a medical consultant, it is advisable to inquire about the qualifications and credentials of the medical staff and doctors involved in your treatment.

Cost Considerations

In addition to doctors' experience and professionalism, cost is a crucial factor explaining why many people choose Turkey for medical treatments over other countries such as the United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, France, etc.

One significant reason for the price difference is related to labor costs; these costs are generally lower in Turkey compared to Western countries. This includes salaries for doctors, nurses, medical technicians, and hospital staff in general, all while maintaining a high standard of treatment and service. Patient testimonials, whether through word of mouth or on platforms like Trustpilot and Google reviews, play a pivotal role in showcasing the quality of healthcare services.

Moreover, costs related to the construction and maintenance of healthcare facilities, such as hospitals and clinics, are often lower in Turkey due to various factors, including real estate costs and more flexible regulations.

Another crucial factor is economies of scale, where the high volume of patients and medical tourists in Turkey allows healthcare facilities to benefit from cost efficiencies, thus reducing unit costs of treatments.

Furthermore, the Turkish government and many healthcare facilities actively promote medical tourism by offering attractive packages and comprehensive services at competitive rates to attract international patients. Additionally, the ancillary spending of medical tourists on activities like plane tickets, hotels, restaurants, and tourist spots contributes positively to the economy.

In summary, a combination of economic, structural, regulatory, and competitive factors contributes to making medical treatments relatively more affordable in Turkey, making it an attractive destination for individuals seeking quality healthcare at reasonable costs.

Positive Treatment Results and Testimonials

In marketing, there is an adage that goes, and I quote: 'A satisfied customer is worth two.' This quote explains Turkey's popularity as a leading destination for medical treatments worldwide. A satisfied customer is more likely to exhibit loyalty to a company, return for future services, and recommend the services to others.

It's noteworthy that over 70% of people come through referrals in some hospitals and clinics. It's easier for individuals to trust recommendations from friends, cousins, neighbors, etc., especially if they had a positive experience with a hospital, clinic, or healthcare provider.

For prospective patients, conducting online research is crucial. You can search for the name of the hospital or clinic in question to gauge customer feedback. Check reviews on evaluation sites like Google Trustpilot and social media platforms. Reading comments and assessing overall customer opinions can provide valuable insights.

Additionally, don't overlook the significance of a company's social media presence. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn can offer a glimpse into customer interactions, responses to comments, and posts that reflect the quality of service.

We highly recommend seeking recommendations from friends, family, and colleagues who have undergone treatments at specific hospitals or clinics. Alternatively, don't hesitate to ask our medical consultants all questions related to your treatment. Consider having an online consultation with doctors to ensure clarity and confidence in the treatment you will receive or wish to pursue.

Post-Treatment Services and Guarantees

Individuals considering treatment often have concerns about what happens if there are complications post-treatment, and what guarantees and post-treatment services are provided.

Most medical facilities provide free or discounted follow-up consultations to address any post-treatment issues and offer advice on ongoing care, typically at least once a year. Guarantees for treatments vary, ranging from 3 to 5 years or even lifetime guarantees. Some hospitals and clinics may cover hotel expenses and occasionally even plane tickets if issues arise during the guarantee period. It's crucial to discuss these details in advance with medical consultants, as policies can vary between hospital or clinics.

The duration of stay in Turkey varies depending on the treatment, typically ranging from 5 to 15 days. Hospitals and clinics offer comprehensive medical follow-up after treatment to ensure proper recovery and satisfactory treatment outcomes. For instance, in dental treatments for example, doctors allow time for patients to visit a restaurant and eat to confirm everything is in order.

Many facilities also offer language assistance for international patients, ensuring effective communication and addressing post-treatment queries. XIRTIZ Health Tourism, for example, has a team of medical consultants fluent in English, French, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Bosnian, Romanian, and more. For further information, feel free to contact one of our consultants.


The reasons for choosing Turkey for medical treatment are numerous and varied. These include the extensive experience of doctors, the advanced infrastructure of hospitals and clinics, affordability, comprehensive post-treatment services, and most importantly, positive patient testimonials from those who have undergone treatment in Turkey.

Turkey's healthcare system has garnered international recognition for its high standards and quality of care. Its medical professionals, including doctors, surgeons, nurses, and technicians, undergo rigorous training and adhere to strict regulations to ensure patient safety and optimal outcomes.

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