Hair Transplant in Turkey - Affordable Price Quality Service

Hair Transplant and Treatments in Turkey

Hair Transplant Treatment and Cost in Turkey
Hair Transplant
Hair Transplant Treatment and Cost in Turkey
Beard Transplant and Treatment in Turkey
Beard Transplant
Beard Transplant and Treatment in Turkey
Eyebrow Transplant and Treatment in Turkey
Eyebrow Transplant
Eyebrow Transplant and Treatment in Turkey
Female Transplant and Ttreatment in Turkey
Female Hair Transplant
Female Transplant and Ttreatment in Turkey
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Afro Transplant and Treatment in Turkey
Afro Hair Transplant
Afro Transplant and Treatment in Turkey
Moustache Transplant and Treatment in Turkey
Moustache Transplant Treatment
Moustache Transplant and Treatment in Turkey
Sideburn Retaraiton and Treatment in Turkey
Sideburn Restoration Treatment
Sideburn Retaraiton and Treatment in Turkey
Hair Treatment Mesotherapy in Turkey
Hair Treatment Mesotherapy in Turkey
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Hair Transplantation and Treatment With Direct Hair Transplantation Technique in Turkey
DHI Hair Transplant Technique Treatment
Hair Transplantation and Treatment With Direct Hair Transplantation Technique in Turkey
Hair Transplantation and Treatment With Sapphire Transplantation Technique in Turkey
Sapphire Transplant Technique Treatment
Hair Transplantation and Treatment With Sapphire Transplantation Technique in Turkey
Hair Transplantation and Treatment With Manuel Transplantation Technique in Turkey
Manuel Transplant Technique Treatment
Hair Transplantation and Treatment With Manuel Transplantation Technique in Turkey
Hair Transplantation and Treatment With Body Hair Transplantation Technique in Turkey
Body Hair Transplant Technique Treatment
Hair Transplantation and Treatment With Body Hair Transplantation Technique in Turkey
Affordable prices for personalized, all-inclusive Treatment, Hotel and Travel in the field of Turkish Medical Tourism. The most recommended best doctors and hospitals.
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Hair Transplantation and Treatment With Unshaven Hair Transplantation Technique in Turkey
Unshaven Hair Transplant Treatment
Hair Transplantation and Treatment With Unshaven Hair Transplantation Technique in Turkey
Hair Transplantation and Treatment With Needle Free Anesthesia Technique in Turkey
Needle Free Technique
Hair Transplantation and Treatment With Needle Free Anesthesia Technique in Turkey
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Hair transplantation is one of the well-known aesthetic surgery procedures. The procedure involves the transfer of hair follicles taken from the back of the head near the nape of the neck to the area where hair is lost or sparse and is performed under local anaesthesia. It is a very serious operation that takes an average of 6-8 hours and requires a day of your time.

Hair transplantation can generally be applied to male or healthy female individuals with male pattern hair loss. It can also be applied to patients with permanent hair loss due to burns, infections or accidents.

Turkey is better at hair transplantation than almost anyone else in the world. This procedure is carried out by professional experts with the advanced technology. Permanent solutions to thinning and baldness problems are provided.

How does a hair transplant take place?

The patient comes to the hospital and is informed about the procedure. The patient reads and signs a consent document with all the information.

Afterwards, the patient is front-lined in a natural way, photographs are taken, blood tests are performed, the patient is shaved, the number of grafts to be transplanted is calculated and the patient is informed about this.

The donor area to receive hair is marked and local anaesthesia is applied. Serum is sent to prevent allergy. Whichever technique the doctor finds appropriate (FUE, OR DHI) is applied for hair transplantation.

After a while, the doctor takes a break and the patient eats his/her meal.

The obtained roots are placed one by one in the opened channels, and then the dressing is applied.

After the procedure, the patient is informed about how to take care of the hair.

A hair washing appointment is given for two days later.

The procedure takes 6-8 hours on average, this time varies according to the patient's condition.

Hair Transplant Techniques

Nowadays, there are several types of hair transplantation: they are seamless(FUE) and suture hair transplantation(FUT, Strip). There are also several other methods of transplantation used, but mostly surgeons divide this procedure into two methods.

Follicular unit extraction Techniques (FUE Techniques)

It is the removal of hair follicles one by one from the donor area between the two ears at the back of the head. Local anaesthesia is applied before the hair is removed from the donor area so that the patient does not feel pain. The grafts (hair follicles) collected from the donor area are implanted one by one in the area to be transplanted. Today, FUE hair transplantation has replaced the first defined technique of p-FUE with micromotor. Nowadays very rarely FUE technique is performed with biopsy needles called punch in suitable cases. In manual punch FUE operations, grafts were taken one by one with these fine-tipped needles. The technique is not wrong, it is just a more time-consuming technique. The operation time is prolonged. In micromotor FUE, the process is faster.

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Follicular Unit Extraction Techniques (FUT Techniques)

It is the technique of removing a strip of hair in a band from the safe area from the nape of the neck and separating it into roots under a microscope. A 5-10 cm wide strip-shaped surgical scar may remain in the area where the hair is removed. This method, also known as the strip method, is almost never preferred.

DHI Hair Transplantation (Direct Hair Implantation)

DHI hair transplantation (Direct Hair Implantation), which is a different hair transplantation method, is also encountered. In this method, hair follicles collected one by one from the patient are placed in the transplantation area with the help of an implanter pen. The difference with the FUE method is that the DHI method can be performed without shaving. If it can be done in 2 steps in other hair transplantation methods, the process is done in one step with DHI.

Nowadays, beard transplantation is also one of the preferred procedures. Technically, the DHI (CHOI) pen technique is generally used. As in other methods, the hair is taken from the nape of the neck or from different donor areas. Transplantation is performed by placing the donor grafts taken from the back one by one on the tips of the pens. With this method, the beard is transplanted in a natural way and no pain is felt during the procedure. The most important advantage is that the patient's face is not inflated and canals and slits are not opened. The grafts taken directly are transplanted one by one with the help of a pen. They are transplanted in the same direction as the patient's beard or eyebrows in a natural way. Since it is performed with the help of local anaesthesia, patients do not feel pain. After the transplantation, massages to increase blood circulation, regular use of medication, lying and sleeping style play a major role in the healing process.


  • The environment must be very sterile.
  • An experienced doctor should definitely do it.
  • The front hair line needs to be determined very well.
  • The anaesthetic substances used must be well selected.
  • It is useful to be performed in a hospital environment.

How long is the recovery period after hair transplantation?

It is a process that is completed in a full year before and after transplantation. After the procedure, redness and crusting, crust loss and shock loss processes may occur and these are normal in the process. All of the transplanted hair grows at times and its success becomes visible within a year.

Compared to veneers, composite bonding does not require any reshaping of natural teeth. However, composite bonding is not always suitable for correcting severe dental problems such as severe misalignments or heavily damaged teeth. Due to their thinness and the fact that they are placed directly on existing teeth without significant reshaping, composite bonding can sometimes give a slightly bulky or thick appearance to the teeth. Lastly, although rare, some patients may experience increased sensitivity after the procedure.

Redness and crusting: After hair transplantation, redness appears on the skin. After the procedure, the healing process is activated and a crust forms in this area. These crusts begin to crust within 15 days.

Shock hair loss process: After the scabs fall off, shock hair loss occurs between the 15th and 45th days. In this process, the remaining parts of the transplanted hair in the skin are shed and new hair fibre production begins. As of the 60th day, it starts to grow again. In this phase, the transplanted hair follicles are not damaged in any way.

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What should be considered after hair transplantation?

It is extremely important that the hair transplant surgery is successful and the healing process goes well.

Up to 3 days, the individual undergoing hair transplantation:

  • Should avoid any physical exertion involving weight.
  • Should avoid stress.
  • Should not smoke, drink tea or coffee in the first few days after the operation.
  • Should not wash his/her hair.
  • Should avoid scratching the hair transplanted area.
  • Should avoid humid environment, sweating, rain, direct sunlight.
  • Should not tilt the head forward until the 5th day.
  • Should avoid bitter and salty foods for 4-5 days.

Up to day 15 :

  • There may be a risk of infection, therefore swimming pools or the sea should be avoided.
  • The individual should take a shower with warm water.
  • The hair transplantation area should be protected from direct sunlight and rain.

After the procedure, the individual should take the medication prescribed by the doctor regularly. The doctor may recommend medicines and solutions suitable for medical condition. The condition of each patient may differ from one patient to another.

Mesotherapy (Mesotherapy Techniques)

Specialists perform hair mesotherapy, a non-surgical cosmetic treatment. This treatment, which is applied in sessions, is carried out by injecting a substance containing minerals, vitamins, components that nourish hair follicles and support hair growth into the scalp.

Affordable prices for personalized, all-inclusive Treatment, Hotel and Travel in the field of Turkish Medical Tourism. The most recommended best doctors and hospitals.
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For many people, hair transplantation can make a huge difference in their lives:
  • Better appearance
  • Psychological well-being
  • Better professional appearance:
  • Better social relationships
  • Better quality of life

We are committed to providing you with the highest quality hair transplant services.

Our team of experts have years of experience in hair transplant surgery and utilise the latest technology to achieve outstanding results.

We believe that everyone deserves to feel confident and satisfied with their appearance, and that is what we strive to achieve as XIRTIZ LUXURY Health. Our safe and comfortable treatment process will leave you feeling relaxed throughout the entire procedure.

Making the decision to undergo a hair transplant can be intimidating, but our team is here to support you every step of the way. We'll provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision about whether it's the right option for you.