Xirtiz Luxury Health Tourism - Best Health Tourism Agency



„In der Türkei bieten wir Zahnbehandlungen, Haartransplantationen, kosmetische Behandlungen, Adipositasbehandlungen, Augenbehandlungen und andere Behandlungen zu den günstigsten Preisen, mit erfahrenem Personal, das Ihre Sprache spricht, Vertragsfluggesellschaften und den besten Vertragsärzten und -krankenhäusern an. Mit einer kostenlosen Online-Beratung informieren wir Sie über Ihre Behandlung und erstellen Ihren Behandlungsplan, bevor Sie in die Türkei kommen. Sie können uns für eine kostenlose Online-Beratung über WhatsApp kontaktieren.


Vorher-Nachher-Bilder von Zahnbehandlungen, Haartransplantationen, Schönheitsbehandlungen, Adipositasbehandlungen und Augenbehandlungen in der Türkei.

Bilder vor und nach der Behandlung in der Türkei. Während wir Ihnen, unseren geschätzten Gästen, die bestmögliche Behandlung bieten, planen wir auch Ihren Urlaub. Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mit unserem Personal, das Experten auf seinem Gebiet ist und die gleiche Sprache wie Sie spricht, zur Verfügung zu stehen.

Turkey Teeth Pictures Zirconium Veneers
Turkey Teeth Pictures All-On-6 Implant
Turkey Teeth Pictures All-On-6 Implant
Turkey Teeth Pictures Laminate Veneers
Erschwingliche Preise für individuelle und umfassende Behandlung, Hotel und Reise im Bereich des türkischen Medizintourismus. Die besten und meist empfohlenen Ärzte und Krankenhäuser. Kontaktieren Sie uns jetzt per Whatsapp für eine kostenlose Online-Beratung.
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Aesthetic in Turkey Picture
Aesthetic in Turkey Picture
Aesthetic in Turkey Picture
Aesthetic in Turkey Picture
Erschwingliche Preise für individuelle und umfassende Behandlung, Hotel und Reise im Bereich des türkischen Medizintourismus. Die besten und meist empfohlenen Ärzte und Krankenhäuser. Kontaktieren Sie uns jetzt per Whatsapp für eine kostenlose Online-Beratung.
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Obesity Treatment in Turkey
Obesity Treatment in Turkey
Obesity Treatment in Turkey
Obesity Treatment in Turkey
Erschwingliche Preise für individuelle und umfassende Behandlung, Hotel und Reise im Bereich des türkischen Medizintourismus. Die besten und meist empfohlenen Ärzte und Krankenhäuser. Kontaktieren Sie uns jetzt per Whatsapp für eine kostenlose Online-Beratung.
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Unsere Vertragspartner Krankenhäuser, Hotels, Fluggesellschaften

XIRTIZ Luxus-Medizintourismus - FAQ

Häufig gestellte Fragen zu Zahnbehandlungen, Augenbehandlungen, Haartransplantationen, Adipositas, Schönheitsbehandlungen und anderen Behandlungen in der Türkei informieren Sie über die Behandlungsmethoden, den Ort und die Art der Behandlung, den Transport, die Unterbringung, Ihre Patientenrechte, das internationale Recht und andere Themen.

XIRTIZ Luxus-Medizintourismus-Zahnbehandlung in der Türkei – FAQ

Häufig gestellte Fragen zu Zahnbehandlungen, Augenbehandlungen, Haartransplantationen, Adipositas, Schönheitsbehandlungen und anderen Behandlungen in der Türkei informieren Sie über die Behandlungsmethoden, den Ort und die Art der Behandlung, den Transport, die Unterbringung, Ihre Patientenrechte, das internationale Recht und andere Themen.

Implant procedure can be performed on any individual without underlying health issues and whose bone development is finished. In fact, patients with heart issues, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other health concerns can receive implant treatment as long as they are under a dentist's supervision and their conditions are managed.

Implant dental treatment is not as painful as commonly thought. As this treatment involves surgery, local anesthesia is administered prior to the procedure. Hence, the patient experiences no pain, burning, or aching throughout the procedure. Nevertheless, like all surgeries, there is a chance of experiencing pain following the completion of the procedure. The pain that is only temporary can be managed with pain medication prescribed by the dentist. It is important to point out that the pain is typically very slight, with the result that the majority of patients do not require medication. Pain does not have a detrimental impact on our daily activities and we do not have to stop our work routine.

The crowns cover all the teeth, while veneers only cover the surface of the teeth. Another difference lies in the shaving process. For crowns, the teeth are shaved between 1 to 1.5 mm, and for veneers, they are shaved between 0.3 to 0.7 mm.

Brushing your teeth twice a day is generally not harmful and is actually recommended by dentists for maintaining good oral hygiene. It is recommended to brush your teeth at least in the morning and before sleeping.

Depending on the severity of the decay, you can save the tooth by doing a filling or root canal. In some cases, dentists may use a dental post to save the tooth. Otherwise, a tooth extraction may be necessary.

Medizintourismus- in der Türkei – FAQ

Bei XIRTIZ Luxury Health Tourism finden Sie Antworten auf Ihre Fragen, warum Sie sich für uns entscheiden sollten. Sie können Ihren Gesundheitsberater über WhatsApp kontaktieren, um Fragen zu einem anderen Thema zu stellen oder eine kostenlose Beratung zu vereinbaren.

The answer is yes, it is not mandatory to come with a companion while in Turkey, as your medical consultant will be available to help you throughout the process. However, if you wish, you can bring someone with you. Please ask your medical consultant about any extra fees for hotel accommodation, as this can vary depending on the company.

Yes, you can request a video consultation with a doctor regarding your needs. During the consultation, feel free to ask any questions you may have to understand the treatment you will receive.

One of the most effective ways to find reputable hospitals and clinics in Turkey is to contact a medical tourism agency that partners with top hospitals and clinics in Turkey. These agencies often have vetted lists of providers and can offer recommendations based on your needs. It is important to pay attention to how responsive and helpful the medical consultant is during your initial contact. Good communication is crucial for a smooth medical tourism experience.

Yes, Turkey is becoming popular because you can combine both your treatment and a holiday. Depending on the treatment, you will have enough time to go on trips, visit touristic places, and enjoy Turkish cuisine. Please ask about your treatment plan schedule so that you can make plans while in Turkey. Your medical consultant can provide information about where to visit.

It’s crucial to reach out to your medical consultant promptly and provide a thorough explanation of the issue you’re experiencing. Depending on the situation, we may request additional materials such as X-rays, photos, or videos, or arrange a video call to gain a clearer understanding of the problem. Remaining calm is essential, as it enables you to relay vital information that aids doctors in comprehensively assessing the issue and determining the best course of action for your health.

XIRTIZ Luxus-Medizintourismus Haartransplantation in der Türkei FAQ

Häufig gestellte Fragen zum XIRTIZ Luxus Medizintourismus und zur Haartransplantation in der Türkei. Sie können Ihren Gesundheitsberater über WhatsApp kontaktieren, um Fragen zu einem anderen Thema zu stellen oder eine kostenlose Beratung zu erhalten.

It is recommended not to touch the transplanted area to facilitate the healing process. After about a month, you can gently touch the hair.

Hair for eyebrow transplants is typically extracted from the back of the patient's scalp, as the hair in this area is usually similar in texture and growth characteristics to eyebrow hair. The follicles are carefully transplanted to ensure a natural look.

The recommended stay for hair transplantation in Turkey is usually around 2 to 3 days. This includes the day of the procedure, a follow-up appointment, and sufficient recovery time before traveling back home.

Post-transplant care involves gently washing the scalp as directed by the surgeon, avoiding direct sunlight, refraining from strenuous activities, and not scratching or touching the transplanted area. Follow all post-operative instructions provided by your surgeon to ensure optimal healing and results.

The main types of hair transplant techniques are Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). FUT involves removing a strip of scalp and dissecting it into individual grafts, while FUE involves extracting individual hair follicles directly from the scalp.

XIRTIZ Luxus-Medizintourismus Ästhetik in der Türkei FAQ

Häufig gestellte Fragen zum XIRTIZ Luxus Medizintourismus und zur Ästhetik in der Türkei. Sie können Ihren Gesundheitsberater über WhatsApp kontaktieren, um Fragen zu einem anderen Thema zu stellen oder eine kostenlose Beratung zu erhalten.

Men and women aged 35 and over typically choose eyelid aesthetics. Nevertheless, as a result of genetic factors, sagging and bags may appear at a younger age, making this procedure suitable for individuals across all age ranges.

Two primary techniques for improving the appearance of eyelids are upper eyelid aesthetics and lower eyelid aesthetics. Eyelid surgery for improving the appearance of droopy or puffy upper eyelids. In this process, any extra fat and skin are taken out to create a more voluminous look for the eyelid. Lower eyelid aesthetics is done to remove any bags or wrinkles that are present under the eyes. In this process, the fat pockets beneath the eyes are eliminated or restructured.

Following a mastopexy procedure, the breasts do not change in size. While performing the procedure, the doctor primarily eliminates surplus skin, firming up the mammary glands, and restoring the areolae and nipples to their original position. However, there are instances when the patient desires to decrease the breast size. Then, two operations are carried out simultaneously.

FFS stands for Facial Feminization Surgery. It's a set of surgical procedures aimed to change the facial features of a person to create a more feminine appearance. FFS can include procedures such as forehead contouring, rhinoplasty (nose reshaping), jaw and chin reshaping, cheek augmentation, lip augmentation, and Adam's apple reduction, etc.

One of the main differences between liposuction and a tummy tuck is the area where the surgeries are performed. Liposuction and tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) are both cosmetic surgical procedures, but they target different areas and have different objectives. Liposuction is primarily focused on removing excess fat from specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks, arms, or neck, while a tummy tuck specifically targets the abdomen, focusing on excess skin, fat, and muscle laxity in that region.

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